Launch of Government of Canada's Arts Market Survey

The Government of Canada is engaging with stakeholders and Indigenous groups on the implementation of an artist’s resale right (or ARR) in Canada. An ARR is a legal right would allow visual artists and their heirs to collect a royalty on certain public resales of their works. In 2021, the Ministers of Canadian Heritage and Innovation, Science, and Industry were tasked with establishing it in Canada in their mandate letters.

To develop effective domestic policy, we would like to better understand the domestic art market through the survey linked below. This survey asks those who buy, sell, or create art to answer questions about their activities in the marketplace. The data will reflect your experience and interactions in the Canadian art market. Please take 5-30min to complete the survey below and share the link with your networks on social media to help boost participation.


Helping Artists to make money with their Art
Helping Users to obtain licenses faster


Copyright Visual Arts responds to a shifting Art economy in the digital age by providing effective tools to enable visual and media artists to achieve sustainable careers.

Copyright Visual Arts facilitates broad access to the finest works by Canadian and Québecois artists through simple and effective online or person-to-person licensing.

Copyright Visual Arts represents nearly one thousand visual and media Artists. More and more artists are becoming members of Copyright Visual Arts because they understand that the best way to increase the level of payments of copyright royalties for the use of their art works is to gather within a copyright management society.

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    Nov 10, 2021, 12:00 AM


    CARFAC is pleased to present a series of webinars where we share information about timely initiatives, including our long-term projects and campaigns as well as work that is being done in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    CARFAC a l’honneur de présenter une série de webinaires au cours desquels nous partagerons de l’information à propos d’initiatives opportunes, y compris nos projets et nos campagnes à long terme, ainsi que le travail réalisé en réponse à la pandémie de la COVID-19.

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    Aug 13, 2021, 12:00 AM

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    Jul 30, 2021, 12:00 AM

    Supreme Court of Canada refuses to legitimize uncompensated copying by the education sector Friday, July 30, 2021

    Friday, July 30, 2021 -

    TORONTO [July 30, 2021] – Access Copyright’s case against York University was about remedying the significant and sustained economic harm to creators and publishers caused by the mass, systemic and systematic copying of their works without compensation by the education sector under self-defined fair dealing guidelines.

    This economic harm was proven in court. Today’s Supreme Court decision did nothing to undermine that conclusion. Indeed, it declined to endorse York’s guidelines, which are virtually identical to the guidelines adopted by most of the education sector outside of Quebec.

    While today’s decision does not dispute the harm, it declines to remedy it.

    After almost 10 years of litigation and economic harm to the writing, visual arts and publishing sector, creators are still left fighting for fair compensation for the use of their works by educational institutions.

    Disappointingly, the Court’s decision undermines collective licensing as well as the role of the Copyright Board of Canada in upholding a functioning market for creative works.

    The Supreme Court’s finding that tariffs are not enforceable exacerbates the struggles of creators in today’s marketplace where the imbalance in bargaining power does not lie with creators and their collectives, but with large institutions that brazenly abuse uncertainty in the law, push exceptions to the extreme and deprive creators of their just reward. This decision marks the beginning of a significantly more challenging environment for creators to manage and monetize their works in an increasingly digital environment.

    This threatens investment in and creation of Canadian works that reflect our lived experiences and values to the detriment of all Canadians, starting with our students.

    “Canadian creators and publishers spend countless hours shaping and building the published material that inspire students. Educational institutions should be setting an example by respecting the work of others by fairly compensating creators for the use of their work. Instead, they have chosen to refuse to do so for almost a decade now,” said Roanie Levy, Access Copyright’s President & CEO. “There are no winners with today’s Supreme Court decision: we will all have fewer stories that speak directly to us as Canadians and chronicle our shared reality.”

    The Supreme Court specifically said today that it is “open to Parliament to amend the Copyright Act if and when it sees fit to make collective infringement actions more readily available.” On behalf of Canadian creators and publishers, we call on the federal government to support the creative community and remedy the untenable situation in which creators find themselves as a result of the Court’s decision.


    About Access Copyright

    For over 30 years, Access Copyright has facilitated content use for educational and professional purposes. Access Copyright has helped people make customized use of published materials combined with an assurance that the original creators and publishers also benefit, so that they can continue creating new and innovative works. This is vitally important to a strong Canadian culture and to all who rely on quality publications.

    For general media inquiries:

    Robert Gilbert, Communications Specialist and Affiliate Relations,